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Designing And Planning Fraud Investigation

The fraud investigation process requires appropriate planning at the very initial stages of the investigation. Careful planning and the right strategy may not only help

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Risk Tolerance: Overview, Types, And Impact

The risk tolerance and impact are closely linked to risk appetite is tolerance for acceptable variation in performance. This describes the range of acceptable outcomes

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The Automation Imperative in Asset Servicing

  What are the core issues and challenges currently facing the asset servicing sector? What is the long-term case for industry standardisation from

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Understanding Internal Activity-Level Controls

The activity-level controls. An organization consists of various departments and each department comprises of various sub-departments or units. For example, a financial department may comprise

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The answer to modern payments processing

 What benefits to payments processing can a microservices architecture bring? What does the ideal migratory journey look like, from monolithic to microservices architecture?

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Remaining Relevant in Today’s Market

  How are payment strategies in e-commerce evolving? How can businesses offer a closed-loop, single vendor approach and an open-loop, multi-acquiring strategy at